Value Added


Tools are important in the daily work of a developer (as they are in any other handcraft). The better tools one have the less effort should be needed, with the added plus of getting a lot more done and unlocking scenarios that, without them, would be close to impossible.

A good example of such a tool is ReSharper. I am not going to discover it, of course; they already have people (evangelists) whose day to day job is praising and showing off its greatness (it may sound cynic, but it is not, it is an awesome product).
It sounds weird (and possibly wrong), but I am an addict and without it, I am half of a coder. That is why it surprises me the negative reactions that it can cause to an extent as to really and truly jump through hoops to turn a perfectly good text editor into an IDE-oid with insane command line trickery (read the whole series, it is an eye opener).

Blown Away

For example, the other day I was playing TDD ping-pong (Write a test, red; some code, green; more red and green and clean the mess every now and then) with an intern in my company and we were refactoring a loop and there was some code with a break statement.
I selected the code, including the break and, reluctantly, extracted the method, just to observe in awe that R# extracted the boolean-returning method, and added the break afterwards.
I run to show some colleagues and we agreed: it comes with a cost (it is not cheap for my company to keep up upgrading), but it is worth every penny.

And now, go and improve performance already before I switch to Notepad++ Winking smile