Blah, blah, blah…


…which vaguely translated into “I will be speaking at the NDC 2011!”NDC_large

For those of you who can’t remember, I attended last year to this conference. Despite what my (positive) criticism in my posts may transmit, I enjoyed it very much. The sheer quality of the speakers was mind-blowing.

And they made it again this year. Some would say they had to pull the “big guns” to level it, hence they invited me to speak this time around Winking smile. Seriously, it is going to be very exciting being surrounded by so many rock-stars. Both humbling and the perfect chance to raise one’s game. Heck, I might even be presenting at the same time as the guy that came up with the topic of my session and a former boss of mine!

I will be presenting two sessions:

  • Designing Software with S.O.L.I.D principles
  • Learn your tools: NUnit” and how to make the most of it.

Architecture and Testing. two favorites of mine. Does it get any better?

I hope to see everyone of you in beautiful, nordic Oslo from 8th to 11th of June.