Contract Verification in NUnit. Comparisons


Before anyone gets confused I am using a very broad definition of contract that it is not related at all with Code Contracts or Design by Contract.
What I mean by contract is the correct implementation of an interface that has become idiomatic. And before you ask, an interface is not a contract. I consider it part of the definition of a contract, but it lacks on the definition of the obligations of client and supplier and most importantly, the verification of such contract. And also before you ask, no, Code Contracts do not provide all the means to express complex obligations and outcomes when conditions are met.

The Sixth OSSense


I think I heard Mr. Hanselman say once that a .NET Open Source project does not exist if was not available through Nuget. That was said very, very early in the “packaging game”, but hey, bluffs are so cheap to make!
I did not take it seriously, of course. My lack of vision is legendary as I genuinely believed that finding the OSS project page, downloading a zip and adding an assembly reference was not that painful.
